we did our pre-wedding yesterday, i was too excited, and upload the only photo i got once i reached home. gileeee!
we're both kaku.keras tak reti acting. nasib the photographer and wife sangat-sangat supportive and selalu bagi idea..its been a while kami planning for the photo shoot,
aku memang nak sangat ada pre-wedding, sebab we're never get engaged. there were no special photo for special moment like that. and i used to take others' photo, but i couldn't find a proper photo of us-sebab takde orang ambil gambar kitorang.memang sepanjang bersama tak pernah ada gambar yang cantik together.sedehkan? =(
proper di sini, bukan gambar tak senonoh ye.hehe. but technically a proper photo in photography :sharp, true colors, with emotions *walaupun acting je pun*,and gambar cantik. too bad, sendiri collection takde such photo. but not so bad, i can find one yang boleh merealisasikan impian sendiri..dapat jugak bergambar together as a couple. hikss
few months back, aku survey what is the best theme for indoor photoshoot.. and finally i came out dengan idea di kepala, country look theme!ohohoho.agak jenuh mencari baju yang sesuai, only last week baru jumpa. tapi naseb jumpa kan. hikhik!

what i like about this photog, subuh-subuh dia dah tanya kitorang prefer gambar macam mana, boleh pegang-pegang ke tak.
i really cant wait for the photo!!! eksaited nehh...i will post in details berserta gambar nanti ye!
p/s: baju nikah bermasalah lagi. huhu, akhirnya air mata aku jatuh jugak setitik dua. never say it is easy and jangan exaggerate sampai nak nangis2 , it never been easy for me...huhu
sama lah kes kita nie. i pun tak dek gambar berdua yg cantik. semua mcm ada je yg tak kena n tak sesuai utk kasi org tgk. hahahaha....
btw, sabar dear. insya-Allah ur baju will turn out well.
:) white studio photoshoot pun lawaaa kalau kena ngan gayaaa... kena pulak ngan tuan empunya badan yg comey lotey ini bersama pasangan yg sama padan.. hehe.. mana mungkin gambaq yg terhasil tak lawa.. sahih meletop abesss!! hehe...
p.s : nak lagik.. nak lagikk..!! :)
nak kawen ni mcm2 dugaan yang dtg. moga semakin tabah. =)
insyallh.. sume akan ok.
Be strong girl, Insya Allah, baju nikah tu akan ok. Rilla doakan supaya dipermudahkan.
Rilla pun xde gambar proper, semenya gambar amik sendiri, hahah. Tak sabar nak tengok korang punya gambar
insyaallah baju nikah ok nnti,moga2 yea..
sue pun takde gmbr yang proper berdua,nak wat bunting pun ssh,hehe
tak sabar nak tgk gmbr awk.upload yea
go get one photoshoot session! hehe
i met the designer today, menukar sedikit design. to comply the budget..harap penderitaan baju nikah berakhir. huhu
cik senah,
biasa aje, baru 1 gambar je pun yg ok. the rest xtau lagi. hehe..
to me its more to something yg i nak for myself, rather than to please others..
i really hope so. dia tak pernah berhenti datang. tapi terpaksa bersabar dan cuba menjadi kuat.
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