click pada iklan nuffnang saya kawan-kawan~
Thank You!
Thanx for reading my blog. From now onwards, all the post akan di schedule and di-auto publish kan bagi mengelakkan keciciran info.
Kalau ada comment yang tak berbalas, akan dibalas bila im back online.
Please acknowledge my photo if you plan to use it in your blog or etc.
Thanx again.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hanya pasal wedding!
kalau buruk, tamo share sini. sekian :p
2. pelamin @ seremban. met the vendor, located at seremban juga, together with future sis in law. hehehe...
memang nak update ringkasssss, kurang punya masa...
its 80 days left!!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ruddin Nilai II
entry ni susulan aku kerap menerima email bertanyakan pasal ruddin nilai, post yg ni. sampai kadang2 ada yang mungkin aku terlepas pandang, tak berbalas. jadi entry ni khas buat yang nak servey2 tentang ruddin nilai..
since aku ni pernah sekali aje sampai ke ruddin nilai, so exact location macam blur2 sikit.. tapi seingat aku, ade kedai emas zhulian..die dkt area tu...
harga yg die quote aku haritu..untuk benda-benda di bawah ni:
- pelamin nikah (artficial flowers)
- 3 panel pelamin sanding (fresh flowers)
- 2 hand bouquet (fresh flowers)
- arch
- red carpet
- sepasang baju sanding full accesories
with RM5000.00
harap dpt membantu korang semua ye ;)
Monday, November 22, 2010
2-3 bulan sebelum
1. dokumen kebenaran berkahwin.
-MF submitted to pejabat agama Seremban, exactly 3 months before majlis. will have to wait 3 hari berkerja to get surat kebenaran. now only i know, their procedure is much simpler, just get surat akuan bujang and isi borang then submit. tak payah bawak 2 orang saksi macam selangor ok.. :P
- my part will only start after MF handover everything.
2. outfit nikah, sanding, bertandang.
-nikah: first fitting 20 december. tak saba ok. hari-hari menghitung hari :P. baju melayu MF dah sebulan lebih Omar Ali peram, tak tau dah jadi jeruk kot sekarang... *larikkkkkk..*
i thot the deal is 3 weeks, entahlah. but surely end of december takde...siap aku pegi senseng lengan baju kat alamanda tu..
-sanding @ my home : first fitting mayb end of december. tidak mengharap setinggi gunung. serious..harap semuanya ok. kalau tak ok, aku dah tiada duit nak kasi ok. so enuffff..
-his side: sudah lama settle. hehe.. i managed to get kebaya yang i dream of.. read dis. the color to me is cream base and gold beads, tapi RKM cakap its peach and gold. long as it is gold :p
-nikah: its like aku berserah, entah. i dont knw what is the correct term for this. pendeknya, malas nak kisah. buat masa sekarang lah!. tungguu january..kalau masih tak kisah, sila piat telinga i... heeee~
-sanding: same vendor as baju. harus suruh akak tu sketch masa fitting nanti.
-bertandang: belum adaaaa!!! sedih...
4. barang hantaran & gubahan
- 99% done... wahhh, ayat nak kasi gempak aje. tinggal satu aje lagi barang untuk MF. tunggu january. kasi MF servey puas-puas dulu...pastu telan air liur puas2, sebab budget aku ciput aje! haha
-decorator: met her on last weekend. settle! very very reasonable price. wink... but the outcomes, tunggu dan lihat..
5. catering
-nikah: my aunt will be ketua chef. walawehh..its purely pahang foods ok.. i really cant wait for that. ops, both of my parents are from pahang, made me grew up with all pahang dishes yang sangat berdarah selangor but berperut pahang.
-sanding: amik semula caterer time along dulu..have no idea what is going on. huhu. already suruh mak to book, but both parents are currently busy.
-bertandang: tidak campur tangan. but i heard its settle...
6. doorgift *sila gelak guling-guling*
- nikah
- i dont what is the status of tempahan yasin aku... last emailed was, 80% siap, and suruh pilih cover...
- paper bag in progress
- tq tag dah design tapi belum print.
- vendor found, bulan 1 baru order in bulk.
- 1000pcs goody bag bought.
- belum ikat ribbon to the goody bag, sebab belum ada TQ tag, but this round bukan salah aku.. aku buat utk nikah aje. hehe.
- favor VIP dah servey semalam. but belum decide.
- pre wedding preps in progress.
- kad kahwin dah tak tau apa cerita.
- vendor cake, found!
- rumah kami tak dapat kunci tahun ni. ok benci! *emo sat*
itu sahaja dulu. papai!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
For The Rest Of My Life
Another great song from Maher Zain. it's A MUST song for our wedding.It touches my heart & soul every time listening to his music!
MF, sila pasang di rumah anda nanti. :p
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
I know that deep in my heart
Saturday, November 20, 2010
being secretive
and out of sudden, i face so many difficulties to get everything done correctly. mom is busy with all the cucu(s), which she was getting another one same day as my birthday on 5th she also busy with all school works, and everything. its very hard for me to talk about my wedding with her. the conversation will only last up to 5 minutes, paling lama. and then they passed with other stories to talk about. the third one getting married in the family. mayb the whole family is well-trained with the wedding thingy already. :p
to be true, i suddenly feel tired. i know, its my wedding and i shouldnt feel that way. i need someone to talk to, definitely, MF will always be my mangsa.
MF is a secretive person, he knows me well enough compared to anyone else. whatever i told him, he will keep to himself. its not to my liking, when everyone knows whats my plan on this, on that.. like seriously, when i told A something, i dont expect to hear it back from B. that is me, im a very secretive person, to be honest..
pilih orang untuk bercerita, thats the only way to resolve everything.
oh, i also dislike bad-mouthing/komen tak membina!
im kind of person. yang tak suka orang komen lebih-lebih. not because, aku kepala batu, or kepala lebih keras dari batu. it just i dont like it.
contoh situasi A,
i met the designer and i have everything ready in my mind. angan-angan tak sudah! he suggests ..this and that, yada..yada...improvise my idea.
this way, its acceptable for me.
contoh situasi B,
i bought a bag (sbg contoh) and the bag color is white. tetiba orang komen, kalau aku tak beli beg ni. kaler putih aku tak suka...
its u who dont like it. just keep it to urself. ok?
bila kena macam ni, most of the time aku tiada hati dah nak pakai barang aku beli tu. so its more or less aku termakan jugaklah dengan kata-kata tu, kan?
sila bezakan. bagi pendapat and mengomen!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
both pelamin for my side, settled. only now left for MF's side yet to book. At first, right after i paid deposit for nikah pelamin, we suddenly decided to take the same person for pelamin nikah and pelamin at his side. more to, malas dah nak mencari. :p
plus, her works sangat-sangat mencuri hati aku. i emailed, and sms her few times, talking about the same thing. ask for quotation. but my final email, was not being replied. that was few months ago. as i thot, i already have her for my nikah, she might as well reserve a slot for me for bertandang, considering we emailed & texted each other berkaitan pelamin @ bertandang.
until i texted her again last two day, to double confirm. to my shock. she was fully booked!!!
ok, memula memang terkejut. a bit geram. tapi malas lah nak kecoh-kecohkan keadaan. and now, im in rush to look for pelamin decorator.nasiblah aku sms dia, kalau pakai assume she reserved a slot for me, x ke naya!huhu..
she minta maaf banyak kali. but for me, aku takdelah marah sangat pun dengan dia. because, kitorang pun salah jugak dekat sini, where i only sms her, saying that i confirm nak ambil dia, 2 hari lepas. all these while, hanya mintak quotation. and i believe, these are just one of my wedding hiccups. mana ada wedding yang perfect, eventho u've tried ur best. mesti ada punyaaaa...
and we believe we still got ample time to look for replacement.
so far, pelamin decorator aku berkenan. either not available, or the transportation charge sahaja rm1500, or Seremban is not under their coverage.
so, seeking help from u guys, kalau ada pelamin decorator yang besh and ok, pliss pliss pliss let me know. but jangan la suggest those big names. ngi, arjuna,dicky... its over the budget...
preferably, pelamin decorator yang bole buat bunga kembang semangkuk camni..i really need to find one..!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
and then, i share dkt my fb.... lama-lama lupa semula.
semalam, pergi cari kertas..kedai buku tu pasang lagu ni...
semoga kita smua ambil pengajaran dari lagu ni, insyaAllah.
take care all~
tajuk lagu: menanti di barzakh.
Friday, November 12, 2010
thanks for ur support+comment pasal baju nikahpost ini,
and doakan smua nya ok ye..i still got time, to fix this. insyaAllah... *mohon dengan amat*
the person is very famous among bloggers. some had a good review about her.
but what happened to me, is something i cant tolerate anymore. because i have to bear with her for almost 6 months, but i end up with nothing. harapan berkecai duit melayang..
but if u really wish to know who the person is, *not my purpose to destroy her business* but, for u to learn a lesson on this, mane tau lepas ni kena deal dengan orang macam ni kan?? but hope, not!
drop me ur email here darlings!
oh, kalau nak tau. sebelum aku blah, sempat akak (assistant kedai) tu perli aku..
"cian awak kan... majuk eh?"
"haah..makan hati" dengan nada sebal. sori la wehh nak dgr jwpn baik2 dr aku!
teros ko sentap dengan jawapan aku. oh lupa. knowing that im coming over around 12 lebih, she
p/s: masih terbau-bau rumah designer tadi kat hujung hidung....hurmmmm... doakan kelancaran ye! i will insyaAllah, share in details, bila dah sedikit tenang nnt.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
big NO!
i should by right listen to my heart.
sekarang, i need to find designer untuk siapkan baju nikah!!!!.. sangat panas hati
i will never ever recommend this person to anybody.
i sent my kain to her on last june, korang bayang dah bulan berapa, masih tak siap??
aku datang hantar kain, discuss everything. like few times, konon-konon masa aku beritau tu macam paham sangat dah, siap boleh ulang balik semuanya... but bila aku datang balik for fitting, aku sangat2 kecewe. adalah sipi-sipi betul. so i get her to fix it. giving her second chance.. walaupun masa tu, memang berhantula hati aku rasa nak amek balik je baju tu. tapi sabar,
she requested selepas raya. lepas raya aku datang. still tak siap and cakap sekarang busy buat baju rumah terbuka... like???? siap aku tanya, so bila ni kak? assistant dia dok dalih2...tak bagitau date. masih dalam kesabaran.. mid oct, aku call dia again, tny pasal baju..
expected! tak siap lagi....promise nov siap!
again. november tak siap!!!! kalau ikut hati aku ni..... heyyyyy..tak taulah nak cakap apa.
at last, aku dah give up dengan i took back semua kain2 aku kat dia petang tadi.
dahla tak mintak maaf. masih suruh aku bayar full. kain aku pun dah jahanam. siap ada hati lagi nak sakit2 kan hati aku before aku blah...
what i dont like about her:
1. tak serius dalam berniaga. so sorry to say this lah. ko ingat aku ni mintak sponsor baju ke, yang ko nak layan aku macam ni. ratus-ratus kali call, but ur actions still ZERO.
2. dahla tu, never comply dateline yg ko sendiri buat!!!
3. tak pernah nak say sorry.
4. please learn to respect customer!
big NO to her.
so sekarang, i need to start all over again. kain-jumpa designer. belum kira kerugian duit and masa aku berurusan dgn akak tu. such a waste!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
100 malam
hehe. cumanya, tinggal 100 hari lagi to the date, insyaAllah.
Dulu masa takde tarikh, aku dok tunggu lagi setahun dari tarikh,
bila sudah setahun dari majlis, tunggu pulak bulan ke 9 dari majlis,
tiba bulan ke-9, menunggu pulak 6 bulan dari majlis,
then looking forward for 3 bulan dari majlis.
sekarang. 100 hari dari majlis.
lepas ni looking forward for 1 bulan sebelum majlis,
dan hari yang dinanti!!
heyyy...ko ingat senang nak sabar macam ni?? :p
Monday, November 8, 2010
current obsesi
entah kenapa, mood selalu beralih kepada rumah. we are preparing for the house as well, actually planning aje. tindakan baru 1%, sebab rumah tak dapat kunci lagi. semalam balik shah alam, ada surat dari developer,
request another 5% from bank, for roads serving. the second last payment before handover kunci. harap handover kunci berlaku nov/dec ni..
kalau jan,feb.. dah tak bole fikir dengan jelas kot masa tu. banyak sangat benda nk fikir. huhu.
ok...sebenarnya aku nak bgtau...aku dah tak sabarrrr nak ada dapur sendiri..
sebab aku memang suka memasak, opsssss! mampus kena kutuk kalau adik-beradik baca ni. soalan pertama, ape pasal tak nampak pun ko kat dapur??? haha.
ngehngeh. actually i really love cooking, sangat-sangat suka. especially pastry. siap dulu pernah berangan nak ada kedai sendiri, tetapi belum ada rezeki.
tak sama kot, dapur sendiri. maksudnya you own the kitchen, suami nak masuk masak air pun kena mintak izin. wahaha. overrr!
hari tu balik shah alam pun, dah pandai cari-cari buku-buku masakan milik Mak. siap cakap nak pinjammmm....!!!
mesti Mak sujud syukur dengar, hakhak!
oke. tu je.. Mak, i love u!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
design cover yasin
She sent me 8 sample designs for cover, basically the layout is almost the same, only then the diff on wording
jawi, atau rumi. perkahwinan or pernikahan.
contoh, aku suka layout D, but lagi suka pada wording C, but border simplicity i prefer H.
tetapi MF suka F.
HAHA. camne?
Susah kalau dah dirasuk bridezilla mode.
lagi pasal vendor, akan diceritakan details kemudian!
till next post!
Friday, November 5, 2010
banner informative
Wedding ni, aku attend on last September. Kawan se-uni. at each wedding i attended, mata aku memang selalu meliar, mencari sedikit kelainan, that i could share with everyone.
So, yah...i found it!
After all, bila check kamere, this is the first thing aku tangkap kot. haha. pepe jelah kan...
Selalunya, kita letak gambar bride&groom. or kalau yang penyegan letak tulisan sajork. macam aku & MF, tak tau lagi. sebab aku siang-siang dah tolak banner bagi kat dia. so rumah aku macam takda banner, walaupun dengar mak cakap nak. tapi macam malas nak ambil pusing, kalau mak sebut lagi sekali baru aku nak bertindak kot...
so banner di majlis bertandang, sudah diluar kuasa aku...tapi tadi macam dapat idea nak wat banner. tingggg!!! tengok aku nak goda MF ikut cakap aku, gileeeee!!!
i love the idea of gambar both parents diletakkan at the banner as well. so tetamu, not left puzzled...sapa ek parents dia...
yang ni kot. yang tu lah... yang tu...yang tu baru macam muka pengantin. eh sebijikla...sah yang tu!
tahniah macik..
errr...saya bukan mak tetamu jugak!.. haaa sudah. blank...
so, i really love this idea. =)
parcel pertama
Monday, November 1, 2010
do it myself!
preview project DIY aku yang pertama...
ada ladybird, rama-rama and cendawan dalam 3 plastik berbeza. aku dapat semua ni dengan harga 60 sen, murah kan untuk 30 pieces benda comel2 ni. hehe..
actually, aku rasa the price shud be 20sen for each. and i even highlight it to the salesgirl, masa dia mintak aku 60sen aje.. eh biar betikkan...but then she still cakap, dia ikut barcode. takpelah. ikut sukalah. aku assume rezeki sendiri jelah ni.
kalau tau, aku borong semua. then mark up harga, amacam idea aku?? hihi.


at the backside, ada double sided tape berbentuk bulat, macam dekat cendawan yang aku purposely terbalikkan tu.. aku akan attach benda ni pada sesuatu. hoho..
tak sabar nak DIY!
sebenarnya aku sangat marah and geram, but i dont think anybody gets me. alkisahnya, i tried to call my friend hari tu. sampai sakit la tangan aku nak call dia. and then each time pun masuk voice message. unreachable.
until my final try, ade bunyi ring tone, and she picked it up.
memula aku tanya elok-elok. she answered me dengan kasar. which, i dont really like. sebab aku tak suka bila aku tanya elok-elok, org tu jawab kasar. ade ke orang suka weyhhhh?????
then, aku tanya second thing.. dijawab dengan lebih kasar...
ok, first thing first, bila orang cakap elok-elok tu, control ur emotion ok. kalau ko marah whatsoever, control lah. aku ni bukan juru-jual nak paksa ko beli barang,ko nak marah-marah.
dont get me wrong, aku tak menanam kebencian pada diri sendiri. cuma aku tak suka sangat bila kena macam tu, sebab rasanya seperti tak dihormati, paham?
until aku nak letak phone pun, aku masih cakap elok-elok,kan?
tapi selepas tu, aku still tegur-tegur kan. cause malas lah nak meleret-leretkan hal.
but why on earth, aku je yang nak kena bagi laluan ni???
oh, aku memanglah ceria macam ni, suka gelak-gelak. but deep inside, aku pun ada perasaan, tahu?
ok,i dont think that u'll be reading my blog pon. haha. aku saja nak tulis sebab aku sangat geram. heyhhhh... my friends outside there, berapa kerat aje pun yang tau kewujudan blog ni. i rather keep it secret,
karang sampai Ayah pun tau blog ni... kan susahhhhhh.
i hope i let it go by writing it here.