makin dekat dengan rumah, semakin kencang langkah kami. since, everybody was just busy with their works, and hanya pandang2 sekilas pandang sahaja.ingatkan there are people to syuhh us away. haha... tapi takde pun, since our house in the middle of the construction area, agak ke dalam jugaklah menapak and sambil sengih-sengih kitorang berdua kira mana satu rumah kami. tapi actually takdela susah mana pun. it is next to the corner lot.. :P
makin melebarlah sengih, and i sapa one of the female worker there.. "nak tengok rumahhhh"
she managed to get our house key from one of her friend and open the door for us.sangat2 gembira that time, sebab dapat masuk rumah sendiri. selama ni kalau rindu pun *ecececeh* hanya dapat pergi rumah contoh, sampai MF dah super duper muak, and tanya nak singgah show house lagi keee???but like i care... rumah contoh sumber inspirasi okay. macik tak kisah kalau nak ukur size katil, size almari ..segala size yang ada....lalalalala~
everything look similiar to us according to the plan. tapi famili area at 1st floor was damnnn big... macam, ni ruang tamu ke apa??? not as big as bunglo lah kan, but atleast bigger than what i imagined, and bigger than what we can remember from the show house unit...and the room next to it was slightly smaller. erkk... apekah?? and to some extend, we dont bother at all, because, kitorang memang igt it was us who yang tersilap...takkanlah developer nak ubah plan asalkan...
but we were wrong. until one day, i received a letter from lawyer. Amendment to our house. bila aku tengok plan yg mmg dalam s&p dengan amendment tu, i can see the difference... yap..memang die pegi kembangkan famili area, and kecikkan the room next to it!!!..
what is my next action on this?? nantilah, will cont in the next post.
so back to the exciting part, my little office...
we really need to do some changes on this..
sebenarnya aku tak pernah perasan pun yang dapur kitorang nanti takde tingkap. was him who brought up the issue.. so if we got some extra money, memang nak lubangkan dinding tu and buat tingkap daun next to the box boleh lah aku jadikan alasan tamo beropis kan dapur, sebab takde tingkap...panas2.... :P
ok, sekarang kenduri kahwin pun tak settle lagi... tapi this is farrrr more exciting!!!!
no. no. no...its show house unit...
yes..iam show house unit freak!. damnnn! down. mane tabung tembikai aku masa kecik-kecik dulu?? grgrgrggrg
ok, sekarang kenduri kahwin pun tak settle lagi... tapi this is farrrr more exciting!!!!
yes..iam show house unit freak!. damnnn! down. mane tabung tembikai aku masa kecik-kecik dulu?? grgrgrggrg
wah, lucky you sebab rumah you siap b4 u get married. i skrg tgh tggu OC obtained baru leh pindah masuk.. sedeyyyy sbb supposed to siap april lepas and dlm bulan 6 boley masuk.. tp biase la kan,mesti ade delay2 nye.. =(
yup.bersyukur sgt siap earlier than expected. tapi mayb later ada some delay macam u jugak.
hopefully semua ni settle and dapat masuk rumah. dont worry, dah dapat masuk rumah nnt sure u akan happy se happy2 nyer..
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