i first met her at pameran pengantin last week. sekejap aje pergi not even 30 minutes pun, pergi dengan mak sebab datang nak kutip pamplet banyak-banyak. pukul 5 dapat parking, 5.30 balik to fetch ayah dekat airport. and this pelamin decorator was the last person i met that day. i was attracted to kerusi and pelamin kecik dia buat at her booth. so quickly tarik mak...
mak, nak yang ni. nak yang ni!nak macam ni. hehehe.
akak tu explain everything. and aku pulak asek cakap dekat mak..waahh..besh ni mak. mak pun asek senyum angguk2 setuju and macam sukalah dengan what she offer. promotion day was actually until 30th april aje... and i dont practise bayar booking time tu jugak. to me, aku nak pergi butik dia tengok dulu, ok ke x. only then bayar book..And akak tu extend promotion day until semalam for me. hehe. mekaseh kak!
On the way tu, mak asyik cakap ambik akak tu jelah. aku pun macam memang nak.. nak!nak! tapi biarlah dulu until aku datang butik die. ececeh.
so yesterday, i went to her boutique. butik dia dekat shj dengan Thai Steamboat dengan MF.
OK, i decided. this is the one. her PR is very good. tipulah kalau aku cakap the decision made memang totally for what she offered..memang PR die ade jugak lah mempengaruhi sikit-sikit. ;) she even let me try satu baju pengantin.
there is something inside me saying. dis is the one...i dont have any negative feelings pun masa tu. so im up for it. mudah-mudahan semuanya baik sahaja on that day nnt. Amin.
ada gambar aku try baju dia, but malu lah nak letak cni...huuhuu..
ehemmm.. berkenannya dress kaler biru kat dalam gambaq tuee.. shuker shangatttt.. ( penggemar tegar warna biru..! i can't live without it..! heheh )
cik senah, the dress is so lovely. seriusly. dngn kain flowy at the bottom part. sangattt cantek. kalau nak sewa, if im not mistaken dlm 300 lebih camtu. =)
cuma beadings kurang.
isk..kt mane kedai nih? emelkn kt saya alamat kedai. thank you.. azieya@ymail.com
awak..tolong email kat sy gak kedai ni..
thanks ek...
boleh tlg email kat saya nama & alamat kedai pengantin ini. email saya siti.arini@gmail.com.my.tq :)
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