i dont know. chocolate brown is so tempting to me. i feel like eating it. mat salleh-mat salleh ni pandai betulkan mix n match colors. it turns out so gorgeous.
when i look at my wedding's ticker *i put it at somewhere,secretly*, i just knew that, it is still early to decide on everything. and found out, theres one blogger preparing her wedding for 2 years. ohh, i should not be down, neither feel so bad. theres nothing wrong with preparing your wedding earlier than anyone can think of.
its my W-day after all, i'm nothing but wanna it to be perfect as much as it can be. *dont get me wrong, its not the glamorous wedding day that i'm hunting for*, a simple one will do. as long as it is me.. =)
mak pesan, cukuplah sekadar bersederhana.
i have no idea of cincin kahwin untuk lelaki, tapi hari tu pergi tinjau-tinjau, and found this suasa ring with diamond tuh, and it was almost 3.5k. After 50% less, dapatlah dalam 1.7k.
TAPI, suasa memang harga macam ni ke? ke sebab diamond dia? no idea....tahla.
awk..sy link eh?
dah link kamu jgk~
awk, pasal cincin tuh maybe dia diamond tuh yg mahal. Saya ada baca sebuah artikel suasa lelaki xbole pkai sbb mengandungi sedikit emas. Saya sekadar memberitahu je, awk jgn ambil hati eh
xla, x amek hati. sharing is caring kan.hehe
tapi betul ke suasa lelaki tak boleh pakai? all this while, igt suasa aje yang dorg bole pakai...so dorg bole pakai apa ek?
yep suasa haram untuk lelaki. Sbbnya ia diperbuat drpd emas yg dicampur dgn logam yg lain.
Mungkin bole ditukakan kpd platinum or silver. Asalkn bkn yg bercampur dgn emas. :)
it will become my weeding theme :) in the future.. thanks to u :)
thanks 4 da info.
yg mana 1? hehehe. sebok jgk nak tau
tiffany blue hehe...
i follow ur blog :)
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