I'd completed my first trimester weeks back. *teehehehe* , only now got time for the updates. I came to know that I'm pregnant at week 3. Friends start guessing as my face was a bit pale, but deep inside i felt energetic actually. I start to suspect that I'm pregnant when we're both came back to Bangi (from somewhere), i cant even smell bawang and fuel. like nak muntah. It was by right at my first week of my pregnancy. i had this unsure feeling, takkan lah kot kan! Weeks passes, but still berdebar for the next cycle. Some signs start to show at Week 2 and Week 3. And so.. I came to know that I'm pregnant on my menstruation day itself. Doctor smiled to both of us saying, there's double lines. Macam tak percaya. sebab aku tengok macam tak ada apa-apa. but it slowly starts to show, but blur. Kitorang tak ambil gambar, nothing. Sebab both of us so damn blur. Teeeeeeeeeeetttt!
Masih tak percaya. I asked the doctor, are u sure ? how sure are u? another Teeeeeeeeeeeeetttt. Hehe.
95% he said. Tak menyempat-nyempat on the way back, I called my Mak. Dia tak percaya, kitorang lagi tak percaya! Hehe
We had Ketam masak cili for dinner. Husband tapau for me at Restoren Chan, Bangi. Aku menangis berguling, teresak-esak atas katil just because nak sangat-sangat makan ketam. Never in my life i did such thing, just because of fooodddddddddd :p. eventho im food lunatic, tapi tidaklah sampai menangis sebab makanan. Haha.
My baby first ever craving checked. Satisfied. Thank you husband.
At Week 6, I start vomiting. It wasn't a good phase for me, most of time, what i ate, will end up in toilet bowl. Poor my food. There was one time (maybe more.) i menangis sebab muntah teruk sangat-sangat. I just can't accept food. Apa lagi nak memasak, kan? hahaha. Memang first trimester was a very sweet escape from cooking & doing house chores. Hehe. Asyik muntah and sakit badan, especially lepas bangun tidur, I cant really bangun. Satu badan, hanya Allah tahu bagaimana sakitnya. Husband suruh kuatkan semangat and be strong. Thank you Husband. He now call himself our baby's superhero. =)
To list down my food craving during first trimester, there were to few to tell. I love juice tembikai so much. Hari-hari aku cari, sedap sangattt bila dapat. Pernah sekali dapat yang a bit masam, pun aku telannn... The best tembikai juice ever won by Restoren Sri Cempaka,PKNS Bangi. Sedap sangat. :p. I even try jus belimbing, and i like it!
My baby is so much like Ayah dia. Suka minum jus tembikai and belimbing.
I got to adapt to new thing every Thursday of my first trimester, as my baby entering new week. Wajib ada perkara baru, kalau bukan perkara yang betul-betul baru, mesti lebih teruk dari sebelumnya.. Terima Kasih Allah, for giving me 'ujian' phase by phase. Bukan sekaligus. Alhamdulillah,and i able to cope with my first trimester. Things get worst at the final week of my first trimester, and first few weeks of 2nd trimester. And now, Alhamdulillah. I'm really at my comfort phase of pregnancy. Senyum.
During my first trimester, i DID NOT EAT CHICKEN MEAT at all. Memang tak suka. It tastes like rubber, boleh? Obviously, my baby the one yang tak suka ayam. not me. I dont really like fish too. Tak tau kenapa. The smells of this two can kill my appetite. :p. Most of the time, i eat daging lembu and eggs aje. But now tidak lagi, I can eat any types of poultry meat. Alhamdulillah. =)
Till here, lets meet again in the next post, wedding photograper review, maybe?
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. Semoga bulan beribadah ini dapat kita manfaatkan sepenuhnya, jaga kata-kata, jaga mulut, jaga mata, jaga perut. Mudah-mudahan Ramadhan ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Jom kita tingkatkan ibadah, syukur kita bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan.
See you when i see you, bye!
click pada iklan nuffnang saya kawan-kawan~
Thank You!
Hyee korang,
Thanx for reading my blog. From now onwards, all the post akan di schedule and di-auto publish kan bagi mengelakkan keciciran info.
Kalau ada comment yang tak berbalas, akan dibalas bila im back online.
Please acknowledge my photo if you plan to use it in your blog or etc.
Thanx again.
Thanx for reading my blog. From now onwards, all the post akan di schedule and di-auto publish kan bagi mengelakkan keciciran info.
Kalau ada comment yang tak berbalas, akan dibalas bila im back online.
Please acknowledge my photo if you plan to use it in your blog or etc.
Thanx again.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Puasa tapi Hamil?
Sekarang dah malas gila nak update blog. Balik kerja dah penat, melepek depan tv.
Minggu depan dah Ramadhan, lagilah tak nampak harapan nak update blog. :p Busy mengejar pahala u'oll. hehe. Mudah-mudahan kuatlah badan nak puasa. Sempatlah survey-survey dengan kawan-kawan office cam mane nak hadapi Ramadhan ketika mengandung,
ada yang cakap kena sahur nasi. ada yang just minum air dan tiga biji kurma dah cukup. as for me, tak tau la which one work best for me. kena cuba jaya lah jawabnya. kalau korang ada tips kasi share ye, mudah-mudahan dapat membantu. insyaAllah.
this coming weekend ada baby sales @ midV. tak sabar nak rembat apa yang perlu. hehe. =)
aku ni so into baby cot. geram gila tengok. rasa macam nak beli sekarang jugak. tapi berjaya menyabarkan diri setakat ni. Survey2, rata-rata price range rm800 macam tu. dah kenapa aku nak beli kan kalau mahal macam tu. huuuu... sila slap diri ini encik husband! hehe.
last-last survey dekat Ikea. the price is quite reasonable and the bed base pun boleh placed at two different heights. so boleh la nak guna until little darling 2-3 years old. kasi penjara ini budak kechik. hehe....
gulliver dengan kelambu comel. hehe.
dijual berasingan dengan mattress. bole lah pilih from the cheapest rm25 up to rm300. ikot budget.
oh, sempat survey laundry area. we're not going to have any, cukup sekadar mesin basuh dan rak kecil je kot. but then, minat nak mencantikkan rumah tetap ada, biarpun laundry area. haha
so here our future crib... dah siap tinted! cun and tak panas......

jumpa lagikkk. selamat menyambut ramadhan semua!!
Minggu depan dah Ramadhan, lagilah tak nampak harapan nak update blog. :p Busy mengejar pahala u'oll. hehe. Mudah-mudahan kuatlah badan nak puasa. Sempatlah survey-survey dengan kawan-kawan office cam mane nak hadapi Ramadhan ketika mengandung,
ada yang cakap kena sahur nasi. ada yang just minum air dan tiga biji kurma dah cukup. as for me, tak tau la which one work best for me. kena cuba jaya lah jawabnya. kalau korang ada tips kasi share ye, mudah-mudahan dapat membantu. insyaAllah.
this coming weekend ada baby sales @ midV. tak sabar nak rembat apa yang perlu. hehe. =)
aku ni so into baby cot. geram gila tengok. rasa macam nak beli sekarang jugak. tapi berjaya menyabarkan diri setakat ni. Survey2, rata-rata price range rm800 macam tu. dah kenapa aku nak beli kan kalau mahal macam tu. huuuu... sila slap diri ini encik husband! hehe.
last-last survey dekat Ikea. the price is quite reasonable and the bed base pun boleh placed at two different heights. so boleh la nak guna until little darling 2-3 years old. kasi penjara ini budak kechik. hehe....

dijual berasingan dengan mattress. bole lah pilih from the cheapest rm25 up to rm300. ikot budget.
oh, sempat survey laundry area. we're not going to have any, cukup sekadar mesin basuh dan rak kecil je kot. but then, minat nak mencantikkan rumah tetap ada, biarpun laundry area. haha


jumpa lagikkk. selamat menyambut ramadhan semua!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
House renovation
Kurang sebulan lepas dah dapat kunci rumah. Lepas tu bermulalah operasi meng-survey.yang tak seberapa. huhu. sebab keadaan badan aku yang tak mengizinkan. time pregnant cepat penat, and lapar. hehehe. so survey punya survey, dah beli barang penting untuk dapur,
1) hob & hood
kitorang beli jenama Rubine aje, lepas survey harga berpatutan and function yang sesuai. =)
jenama lain available kat pasaran: fotile, electrolux, elba and etc. masing-masing ada kelebihan sendiri, and harga pun mesti lebih :p
2) sinki
jenama biasa aje. tapi rembat yang besar sekaligus, senang nak basuh kuali. heee~
so tengahari tadi, pergi buat site visit sebab dorang dah start buat renovation hari ni.
pandangan luar rumah, pekerja tengah busy buat wiring before plaster ceiling.
jom masuk dalam sikit....
dahh start buat wet kitchen.
yang ni pulak Jamie, interior designer kitorang. curi2 ambik gambar die masa tengah ukur.
kesemua yang ada tadi, 2 orang buat wiring, sorang simen untuk wet kitchen and 2 interior designer yang design umah kitorang.
1) hob & hood
kitorang beli jenama Rubine aje, lepas survey harga berpatutan and function yang sesuai. =)
jenama lain available kat pasaran: fotile, electrolux, elba and etc. masing-masing ada kelebihan sendiri, and harga pun mesti lebih :p
2) sinki
jenama biasa aje. tapi rembat yang besar sekaligus, senang nak basuh kuali. heee~
so tengahari tadi, pergi buat site visit sebab dorang dah start buat renovation hari ni.

jom masuk dalam sikit....


kesemua yang ada tadi, 2 orang buat wiring, sorang simen untuk wet kitchen and 2 interior designer yang design umah kitorang.
Lepas settle, pukul 2 gerak ke nilai survey langsir. belum ada idea lagi macam mana. idea basic je ada so far. and tengok corak langsir memang tak berkenan :p susah2....
Saturday, July 2, 2011
punca away selama ini!
the reason behind me away for quite some times,
i finished my first trimester not so long ago *pats own shoulder* . and entering my 18weeks of pregnancy this week.
gotsss a lot to share here! insyaAllah
menutup tirai entry wedding dengan post sebelum ni. =)
see you!
i finished my first trimester not so long ago *pats own shoulder* . and entering my 18weeks of pregnancy this week.
gotsss a lot to share here! insyaAllah
menutup tirai entry wedding dengan post sebelum ni. =)
see you!
Summary: Wedding vendors & etc (1)
134days since my wedding day.
dah lama kan? so i will throw everything in one post! sebab i wish to move on with other things in my life. selagi x habis blog pasal wedding rasa macam tak bes, and tak bole pulak sambung episode seterusnya.
Wedding dress details. (photo click here!)
Nikah (Faizell Azraff)
read this post.
Sanding (Cleo Studio Ampang)
facebook: cleostudio
new baju for bride & groom, design ikut kehendak pengantin, tapi for rental. price range dalam rm1500.
Nak tanya pasal servis bole email me!
Recommendation : good
Bertandang (Rumah Kebaya)
facebook: Rumah Kebaya
baju sewa, and yang memang dah ada di situ. rental price rm1300++ macam tu inclusive all those accessories. baju fully beaded.
servis: good, sanggup layan sampai i dapat baju yg paling sesuai. masa tu, tinggal 2 weeks from wedding kot. but then badan dah naik, so x muat. huhu.
coming up next: make up !
dah lama kan? so i will throw everything in one post! sebab i wish to move on with other things in my life. selagi x habis blog pasal wedding rasa macam tak bes, and tak bole pulak sambung episode seterusnya.
Wedding dress details. (photo click here!)
Nikah (Faizell Azraff)
read this post.
Sanding (Cleo Studio Ampang)
facebook: cleostudio
new baju for bride & groom, design ikut kehendak pengantin, tapi for rental. price range dalam rm1500.
Nak tanya pasal servis bole email me!
Recommendation : good
Bertandang (Rumah Kebaya)
facebook: Rumah Kebaya
baju sewa, and yang memang dah ada di situ. rental price rm1300++ macam tu inclusive all those accessories. baju fully beaded.
servis: good, sanggup layan sampai i dapat baju yg paling sesuai. masa tu, tinggal 2 weeks from wedding kot. but then badan dah naik, so x muat. huhu.
coming up next: make up !
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