huhu. tiba-tiba rasa sedih bila ingat blog lama. haihhh...apa bole buat. dah bukan rezeki aku...
kad kahwin aku tak survey sangat. rata-rata yang aku berkenan charge rm1-rm2 with a very common design. i want something different. akhirnya terjumpa review vendor kad kahwin dari blog hazlynda few months back
it was so tempting offer, where you can get
500 cards+ 1000pcs tq tag + 1 bunting
with price of rm400.
so we met Kak Durra at Old town bangi, nak dipendekkan cerita, the card under that package was too small. aku rasa comel sangat. and we upgrade it to bigger size..
our card is back to back card.. purple-pink is mine, and yellow-gold is his. the design was custom made for us, due to my request. i want something sweet simple, and can be Moroccan and traditional to fit both side theme. but background must be white. too much colors printed is so not me! :p .. so here it is. a part from that, i request to have one small box at the top - ada nama kami and tarikh inside the small box. i love the final output so much. and she is totally recommended. !!
in fact i was praised with the very nice packaging from some of my office mates. aku juga suka, sampul bunga tu..
im going to poss my card by end of this week. hoorayyyy!!!
details on my card, read it at her blog
cantiknye kad u durruz.. :)
simple n nice!sgt comel n cntik..=)
ermmm.. lawa kad durruz
p.s : jumpak gak durruz kat cini.. nie pun terblog hopping.. sedey dapat tau blog picisan chenta dah katupp.. huhu.. :(
lisa n rose,
tempah la kat kak durra. hehehe. promot2.
cik senah,
erk..camne leh jumpa blog i?hurmm...takot plakkan.. nnt org tu plak jumpa blog i n bgtau pd my famili lg. huhu... then i really need to say goodbye to all. huhu
durruz : hehe..chek terjumpak jerr.. masa blog hopping.. i think.. kat blog reneemeow.. sbb chek senah niee cepat tertarik pada tajuk2 blog.. baghu cik senah klik.. klik punya klik.. eh2..masuk blog durruz.. hehe..
p.s : 18 hari lagi menjadi ratu yer..? semoga selamat semuanya nohh.. :)
Terima kasih banyak-banyak Durruz!
tengah pikir2 nk jmpe kak durra ke tak..ermmm
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